Saturday, April 18, 2020

Top 10 Mental Disorders

Mental disorders is also known as mental health issue, refers to a wide range of mental health conditions disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. When a person suffers from mental disorders then there will be a sudden change in behavior, habits and lifestyle. According to the research done in different countries cusine of the world approximately 15% of the population have whether a normal or severe mental disorder.

Here are top 10 mental disorders:

1.     Psychosis:

When a person suffer from this disorder one will stop to do his/her daily activities, start to speak mannerlessly, shows anger and get irritate. He/ she does not obey the social rules and regulation. He/ she will reduce the ability of thinking. The person who suffer from this disorder seems to okay some while but they used to create unnecessary doubt, think as an enemy to their closed ones or get frighten without any reason. The person will also have an illusion of hearing sounds. The main symptoms of this disorder are the person can't recognize that he/ she is suffering from this disorder. Due to this reason the ill person will not consult to the doctor. But if the person get treatment at a correct time then he/ she will recover.

 2.     When a person start staying alone, feel lazy to work and sometime start crying then it leads person towards depression. 

The person can't sleep properly, can't eat, headache, feel dizzy, stomache, backboneache and also feel weak. The main symptoms of this disorder is to think unnecessary and feel lonely. When the symptoms start get severe the person don't want to live and try to attempts suicide too. The person who suffers from this disorder don't behave abnormally but due to loneliness he/she feel weak and will also feel dizzy so if it can be recognize soon then person can come out of this disorder.

3.     Anxiety Disorders:

When a person suffer from this disorder he/she will experience distressing and frequent fear and apprehension .Many people experience these feelings when periodically doing things like public speaking or a job interview. The other symptoms include panic attacks, nausea, headaches, nightmares, obsessive thoughts, fear of leaving the house etc.

4.     Mood Disorders:

All of us has experience feelings of sadness, irritation or a general case of the "blans" at one time or another. The person suffers from this disorder experience living with more sustained and severe symptoms and disruption. The person suffering with this disorder find their mood impacts both mental and psychological well being, nearly every day and often for much of the day. With proper treatment the person will recover and can lead normal and productive lives.

5.     Dementia.

The person suffers from this disorder experience disruption of consciousness as well as changes in cognitive health, such as memory loss and motor skills. The most common symptom of dementia includes Alzheimer.

6.     Eating Disorders:

It is the serious chronic condition that can be life threatening , if left entreated. The symptoms of this disorder include obsessive and sometime distressing thoughts and behavior including reduction of food intake, overeating etc. The three most types of eating disorders are: anorexia nervasa,bulimia nervasa and binge eating disorders.

7. Addictive Disorders: 

The person suffers from this disorder will experience unable to resist urges or impulses to perform  acts that could be harmful to themselves or others. The person also starts stealing, gambling etc. The other symptoms of this disorder is begin to ignore responsibilities and relationships.
8.Sexual and gender Disorder: The person who suffers from this disorder experience affect sexual desire, performance and behavior .The some more examples of this disorder are dysfunction, gender identity disorder and the paraphilias.

9. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:

People who suffers with this disorder experience constant thoughts or fear that cause one to perform particular rituals or routines. The disturbing thoughts are called obsessions and rituals are called compulsion. An example of this disorder is person with an unreasonable fear of germs who time and again wash his or her hands, try to keep the things in order and clean the objects time and again.

10. Personality Disorder:

When a person suffer from this disorder he/ she have extreme and inflexible personality traits that are distressing to the person and cause problem in work, school or social relationships. Some examples of this disorder are anti social personality, OCD, paranoid personality disorder etc.

10 Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Adults

1.  Eat a variety of foods
2.  Base your diet on plenty of foods rich in carbohydrates
3.  Replace saturated with unsaturated fat
4.  Enjoy plenty of fruits and vegetables
5.  Reduce salt and sugar intake
6.  Eat regularly, control the portion size
7.  Drink plenty of fluids
8.  Maintain a healthy body weight
9.  Get on the move, make it a habit!
10. Start now! And keep changing gradually.

1. Eat a variety of foods 

·   A high-fat lunch could be followed by a low-fat dinner.After a large meat portion at dinner, perhaps fish should be the next day’s choice?

2. Base your diet on plenty of foods rich in carbohydrates

About half the calories in our diet should come from foods rich in carbohydrates, such as cereals, rice, pasta, potatoes, and bread. It is a good idea to include at least one of these at every meal. Wholegrain foods, like wholegrain bread, pasta, and cereals, will increase our fiber intake.

3. Replace saturated with unsaturated fat

These tips could help us keep the balance right:
·         We should limit the consumption of total and saturated fats (often coming from foods of animal origin), and completely avoid trans fats; reading the labels helps to identify the sources.

Eating fish 2-3 times a week, with at least one serving of oily fish, will contribute to our right intake of unsaturated fats.
When cooking, we should boil, steam or bake, rather than frying, remove the fatty part of meat, use vegetable oils.

4. Enjoy plenty of fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are among the most important foods for giving us enough vitamins, minerals and fiber. We should try to eat at least 5 servings a day. For example, a glass of fresh fruit juice at breakfast, perhaps an apple and a piece of watermelon as snacks, and a good portion of different vegetables at each meal.

5. Reduce salt and sugar intake

There are different ways to reduce salt in the diet:
·         When shopping, we could choose products with lower sodium content.

·         When cooking, salt can be substituted with spices, increasing the variety of flavors and tastes.

·         When eating, it helps not to have salt at the table, or at least not to add salt before tasting.

Sugar provides sweetness and an attractive taste, but sugary foods and drinks are rich in energy, and are best enjoyed in moderation, as an occasional treat. We could use fruits instead; even to sweeten our foods and drinks.

6. Eat regularly, control the portion size

·         Cooking the right amount makes it easier to not overeat.
·         Some reasonable serving sizes are: 100 g of meat; one medium piece of fruit; half a cup of raw pasta.

·         Using smaller plates helps with smaller servings.
·         Packaged foods, with calorie values on the pack, could aid portion control.

·         If eating out, we could share a portion with a friend.

7. Drink plenty of fluids

Adults need to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid a day! Or more if it's very hot or they are physically active. Water is the best source, of course, and we can use tap or mineral water, sparkling or non-sparkling, plain or flavored. Fruit juices, tea, soft drinks, milk and other drinks, can all be okay - from time to time.

8. Maintain a healthy body weight

The right weight for each us depends on factors like our gender, height, age, and genes. Being affected by obesity and overweight increases the risks of a wide range of diseases, including diabetes, heart diseases, and cancer.
Excess body fat comes from eating more than we need. The extra calories can come from any caloric nutrient - protein, fat, carbohydrate, or alcohol, but fat is the most concentrated source of energy. Physical activity helps us spend the energy, and makes us feel good. The message is reasonably simple: if we are gaining weight, we need to eat less and be more active!

 9. Get on the move, make it a habit!

Physical activity is important for people of all weight ranges and health conditions. It helps us burn off the extra calories, it is good for the heart and circulatory system, it maintains or increases our muscle mass, it helps us focus, and improves overall health well-being. We don't have to be top athletes to get on the move! 150 minutes per week of moderate physical activity is advised, and it can easily become part of our daily routine. 
We all could: use the stairs instead of the elevator, go for a walk during lunch breaks (and stretch in our offices in between) make time for a family weekend activity.

10. Start now! And keep changing gradually.

·         Skipping breakfast? A small bowl of muesli, a piece of bread or fruit, could help slowly introduce it into our routine.

·         Too few fruits and vegetables? To start with, we can introduce one extra piece a day.

·         Favorite foods high in fat? Eliminating them abruptly could fire back, and make us return to the old habits. We can choose low fat options instead; eat them less frequently, and in smaller portions.

·         Too little activity? Using the stairs daily could be a great first move.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Top 10 healthy food to increase your immune system

So, feeding our body may help to keep our immune system strong. If you are looking for ways to boost your immune system, its just simple process. Visit nearby grocery or start planting.

Form today onward let's plan your meal and include these 10 powerful immune system boosters.

1. Citrus fruit: 

These citrus fruits are enriched with vitamin C so it helps you to build up your immune system. Vitamin C are supposed to increase the production of White Blood Cell (WBC). Some citrus fruit are: oranges, lemon, grapefruit etc. As, our body doesn't produce or neither store it so you should daily consume Vitamin C.


This is the super magical vegetable packed with Vitamin A, C and E as well as many other antioxidants and fiber. You can eat it without cooking or you can cook it as little as possible.

3. Garlic: 

It is the famous ingredient which is found in all most all part of the world. It contains zing and have strength to fight against infections. It also help lower blood pressure and slow down hardening of the arteries.

4. Ginger: 

Ginger help to decrease inflammation which hello to reduce a sore throat and other inflammatory illness. It also help to decrease nausea. Ginger too help to decrease chronic pain and may posses cholesterol - lowering properties.

5. Yoghurt: 

Yoghurt helps to fight against immune system. It is a great source of Vitamin D which helps to regulate the immune system.

6. Almonds: 

Almonds are packed with the vitamin and also have healthy fats. If you consume almonds daily it fulfill the deficiency of Vitamin E.

7. Turmeric: 

You all know turmeric is a key ingredient in many curries. These turmeric posses anti- inflammatory doses. It contains element named cur-cumin which decrease exercise induced muscle damage.

8: Green Tea: 

These contains anti- oxidant properties which enhance immune system. It is also the good source of amino- acid L- theanine. L- thiamine may aid in the production of germ- fighting compound your  T- cells.

9: Pappy: 

It is the fruit loaded with Vitamin C. It also have a digestive enzyme called Papain that has anti- inflammatory effects. It also have potassium, vitamin B and foliate which all are beneficial to your over all health.

10. Carrots: 

Carrots are excellent source of beta carotene, which gives them their bright color. It help to support the body's mucus membrane, which lines the respiratory and intestinal tracts. It also contain vitamin A.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Top 10 Interesting things you can do during Quarantine

It has been more than a couple of weeks we have been in quarantine, whole world has been lockdown. We are compel to stay inside the home. The outbreak of COVID-19 has shaken us so frightening that we fear to go out, gather with matesbl and enjoying oneself. You may be bored staying inside the hone for so many days and it may go still long as the virus is infecting thousands of people every day.

So, here are top-10 interesting things you could do during this lockdown and explore you.

1.    Make the bed sheets:

As, you know that "Morning shows the day" and if you wanna make your day fantastic start it with making your bed. Making the bed means you have completed the first task of the day and it gives you encouragement to do the task and another task again and again. If you do it, it gives you pride and make your day awesome.
It's a small task, isn't it? But, if you make your bed perfectly it glorify your day. Try once and feel the difference!!!

2.    Make your body and mind:

You have been waiting so long to make your body perfect and look smart but due to your tight schedule it couldn't happen before but this is the perfect time to make your body and sharpen your mind. Start doing by simple and fundamental exercise, yoga and meditation for few minutes every day. If you start doing it from today you will definitely feel the change. And, it's hard to make habit but once you made it, it gonna bring great difference.

      So, stay home burn your fat and sharp your mind.

3.    Learn to cook:

As, you all know that peoples interest goes by stomach  so, if you are an amazing cook then simply you can attract your loved ones. So, this lockdown could be perfect time to learn new recipe via your interest. Serve your family and see how you feel!! This is 10 times better than going pub and club.

4.    Learn to type:

World is been digitalize everything here happens happen by softcopy. So, people prefer softcopy rather than hard copy. Utilize these quarantine days by learning typing. Increase your typing speed. This help you in great extend and help in your professional carrier as well as in your studies and many more.

5.    Learn your interest:

As, you know the world is in a rush so this might have hide your interest somewhere. But, the lockdown has given us an awesome time to highlight our intrest. So, make these lockdown days awesome by learning and doing your hobbies.

6. Play Games:

Playing games is always awesome. It brighten your mind and refresh you. There are many games which sharpen your mind, help you to be logical. Play games, feel relax.

7. Gardening:

Nature is always fantastic place to be. Nature enhance your purity and make you calm and cool. These quarantine days would be wonderful if you learn gardening. Look everything has been lockdown in this world now expect the nature. It's blooming and flourishing. So, invest your days in gardening and feel it!!!!

8. Read books:

Reading increase your vocabulary and imagination ability .So, read the books of your interest. Read it loud; invest 20-25 minutes of your day by reading books. I promise you will definitely feel the difference.

9. Learn making money formula:

As, you know the world has become global village and the world come under the palm. So, to meet the tough world earning money is not enough so learn making money. So, in these quarantine days you could learn about making money to grow rich.
You could get hundreds of making money videos on internet go through it, and enjoy lockdown.

10. Decorate the house:

Everyone loves the beauty. So, learn to beautify the things sitting at home. Decorate, rearrange and beautify your home. This makes your lockdown days fruitful, isn't it?

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Saturday, April 4, 2020

Top 10 hit by Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The novel corona virus outbreak which generated in China, has infected more than 940,733 positive cases, 47,518 death and 196,214 recovered cases across 200 countries the WHO (World Health Organization) has officially declared it as a pandemic. This virus was first seen in the state of China named Wuhan. Since the researcher, scientist, doctor and medical person have been continuously involved in the discover of its medicine or any of its solution, but all these practices has not come to any point. 

The only preventing measure is to keep social distance, personal hygiene measures and avoid contact with infected person. To reduce the risk involved with this pandemic most of the countries from all around the world and their cities are put into lock-down. People with doubt are kept in the isolation and are said to sot quarantine. People are only allowed to come out of their homes if they have to buy food, medicine or seek any medical treatment.

       This novel corona virus [COVID-19] is impacting the world economy. Its spread has left business around the world counting costs. Along with this, global companies have rolled out mandatory work- from home policies amid the spread of COVID-19.All these limitations are leading to the business slow down. Let's check out top-10 industrial hit by COVID-19.

1. Shares Market Hit: 

There have been seen a huge falls in global shares market since the outbreak began on December.

       Many of the cities and countries are in the phase of lock-downs. People are maintaining social distance and are in self- isolation. Investor fear the spread of the corona virus destroys economic growth and government action may not be enough to stop the decline.

In addition, central banks in many industries, including the United Kingdom have slashed interest rates. Investor frightens to invest and this cause a trillion of lost in global shares market this left millions of people unemployed.

2. Travel and Tourism Hit: 

       This industry has been very badly affected with airlines cutting flights and tourists cancelling business trips and holidays. According to the international Air Transport Association (IATA), global airlines have lost $113 billion.

      As, many places all over the world are in lock-down the heavy economic loss has been guessed so far.

       The US airlines asked over$ 50 billion in federal assistance due to the dramatic decrease in traveler traffic. According to IATA it is said that there may be loss of 11-19% in global passengers reverses at the end of the year.

3. Oil Corporation Hit: 

      The price of oil has reduced at its extreme 18 years. The cost of crude has its lowest level in a year after falling 20% since its peak in January.

     Since, the pandemic of the novel virus spread and has extended and reach up to more than 200 countries so far the world has been in lock-down. As a result, factories, offices and shops are shutdown.

The world's biggest importer of crude oil, which usually consumes about 14 million barrels a day, needs a lot less oil to power machinery, fuel vehicles and keep the lights on.

The outbreak has a particularly large impact on demand for jet fuel as airlines around the world has suspended flights.

The scale of the fall has shocked the energy industry. According to the Chicago- based oil analyst Phil Flynn "We have not seen a demand destruction event of this scale that moves this quickly."

The clear fall in oil demand is a clear symptom of drop in business activity and a sign of economic destruction. The world's biggest oil producers are said to be discussing more production cuts, on top of those which have been in place since 2016 to boost falling prices.

4.Construction Industry Hit:

Construction sectors are likely to be the worst affect by the corona virus pandemic.
                               As per the corona spread at an extreme level all around the world has gone through lockdown so all the raw materials import , export  has been shutdown which has bring a massive destruction in construction industry.
                                                                               As, the world and more cities are in lockdown people are maintaining social distance so there is scarcity of labors and skill manpower in the construction.
             According to conservative estimate, nearly 30% of all U.S. building product imports come from China and China imported to all most many countries all over the world so this has made massive loss.
                     Supply shortage has impacted the large home builder. Among these circumstances in construction everything comes down to time and money. If we look at it that way we see how unpredictable this virus is on the industry. We don't know how big it's going to be, how long it will last and what its full impact is going to be.

5. Banking Investor Hit: 

The entire financial ecosystem is being rocked as banks and credit unions around the world deal with the impact of COVID-19.The impact of the corona virus outbreak is impacting both financial market and consumer behavior as never before. At the same time, yield chasing over the past several years may exacerbate the potential for market illiquidity. The fed and the European Central Bank (ECB) have already cut rates to zero.

Investors have naturally been concerned around the world suffered trillions of US dollars.

6. Professional sports hit: 

      Cancelled games and tournaments are a major hit for professional sports. No, games mean no ticket sales and reduced media paor the first time in nearly two decades, the $ 160 million sports world has gone dark.

The 2020 Wimbledon tennis championship, Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Football in Russia, The African Nation Championship, Copa American, The Euro 2020 tournament and many more sports met and champion league has been postponed due to this pandemic

Other leagues, including the hockey league, major baseball league and major golf and WWW championship have also been cancelled. Due to Nemours postpone and cancellation of sports event professional sport has lost trillion of US dollars' so far.

7. Employment Service Hit: 

      As the spread of corona virus outbreak it's slamming the world working force. According to US reporters 18% of adults reported that they had been laid off or that their work hours had been cut.

According to the Economic Policy Institute estimation the corona virus outbreak could eliminate 3 million jobs in the United States by summer and the United Nation estimates that nearly 25 million job could be lost worldwide.

Looking for a new job is uniquely difficult during this corona virus outbreak because many organizations are lying off employees and traditional ways of hiring have also been distrusted.

The government has order to remain indoors and self- quarantine to stop the spread of the corona virus. Department stores, malls and specialty retailers are losing business and shed jobs, as people are not leaving their homes. Big retailers such as Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, Blooming dale's, Niemen have announced that they are closing their stores. This has caused a large number of retail workers to lose their jobs.

8. Mining Industry Hit: 

The outbreak of COVID-19 has create a unique challenge for the mainlining industry.

According to the managing director of Hammer Metal Daniel Thomas "The impact of COVID-19 presents challenge for the mining industry and in particular for junior explorers." 

As, the world is been in the lockdown the location and spread of mining activities and workforce adds complexity. The travel restriction has made operating more complicated. These all circumstances have caused billion of lost in the industry.

9. Cinema's and Entertainment Hit: 

           After the outbreak of corona the worldwide health concern has urged social distancing, and movie theaters felt the impact of that recommendation. Now, the people have stop gathering in groups, movies theater have no choice but close down.

Due to this pandemic the shooting of films, serial has been apparently shut down. Each time a production shutdown, it put hundreds of crew members and cost out of work. This has make millions of people work- less and billion of loss.

10. Retail Industry Hit: 

       The world wide retail industry has been divested by the corona virus outbreak and number of stores have already had to close their doors. Major retailer in fashion, sporting, goods stores and tech has already been shut down.

The worldwide renowned retailer has shut the doors from all the stores around the world and these cause trillion of lost.

Note: The above mention hits are top- 10 hits, other industries have also been hit hardly die to this pandemic COVID-19.